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User whitelists and blacklists

Updated on April 19, 2017

User whitelists and blacklists are here to help you securely moderate your walls and hubs. These lists help you ensure the content shown on your wall is up to standard and are a powerful feature that can help you protect your brand name by showcasing positive and genuine content while also blocking out attempts of trolling and spam.

User whitelists

Add valuable and trusted sources to your whitelists and their social media posts will be pushed to your walls and hubs automatically – no moderation needed!

Creating a whitelist

Step 1: From your “Hubs” homepage, you can access your lists by clicking on the “Lists” in the left sidebar.

Step 2: Switch to the “Whitelist users” tab.

Step 3: Create your new list.

Step 4: Add users to your list by adding their social media handles to the list.

Step 2: Hit “Save” to save your whitelist.

Applying whitelists

Once they are created, whitelists are not automatically applied to your hubs. Instead, you have an option to manually apply specific lists to all, or only some of your hubs.

Here is how you can apply a list you’ve created to your hub:

Step 1: Go to your Hubs

Step 2: Enter a hub you want to apply your whitelist to

Step 3: In the upper-left corner, switch to “Moderation settings”.

Step 4: Switch to the “Users” tab.

Step 5: Click on the switch next to the list you want to apply to your hub.

Step 6: Hit “Save” in the upper-right corner of your screen.

Your whitelist will now be applied to this hub and any social media posts from your whitelisted users will automatically be pushed to your hub.

User blacklists

Once a user is added to your blacklist and the said list is applied to your hub, social media posts from this particular user will never be displayed on your walls or hubs.

Creating a blacklist

Step 1: From your “Hubs” homepage, you can access your lists by clicking on the “Lists” in the left sidebar.

Step 2: Switch to the “Blacklist users” tab.

Step 3: Create your new list.

Step 4: Add users to your list by adding their social media handles to the list.

Step 2: Hit “Save” to save your blacklist.

Applying blacklists

Once they are created, blacklists are not automatically applied to your hubs. Instead, you have an option to manually apply specific lists to all, or only some of your hubs.

Here is how you can apply a list you’ve created to your hub:

Step 1: Go to your Hubs

Step 2: Enter a hub you want to apply your blacklist to

Step 3: In the upper-left corner, switch to “Moderation settings”.

Step 4: Switch to the “Users” tab.

Step 5: Click on the switch next to the list you want to apply to your hub.

Step 6: Hit “Save” in the upper-right corner of your screen.

Your blacklist will now be applied to this hub and none of the social media posts from your blacklisted users will ever be shown on your hubs.

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